A Good Time Was Had by All — But Only Leipheimer Got a Diploma!

Head of School honored during 百周年庆典 Weekend full of fun, 行动, 回忆, 学习, 会议, 纪念, 和更多的!

The long-awaited, much-anticipated 百周年庆典 finally arrived and it did not disappoint. In fact, it was every bit as wonderful as anyone could have imagined. 大约有900名校友, 学生, 教师(现任和前任), 家庭(过去和现在), 和朋友(直到最后)!) came to campus for some part of the 行动-packed, fun-filled weekend.

Foxcroft women representing more than 70 graduating classes from nine decades led the way with the first official event, 周五的校友会午宴. 在周六, 与会者最喜欢的两个独特的, most "Foxcroft" events — a demonstration of military drill and a fiercely-fought alumnae 福克斯/猎犬 Field Hockey game, 完成进行曲和歌唱.

玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默校长, who is retiring on June 30 after 25 years at the helm and 47 years of service to the School, was honored with a special presentation by Foxcroft Board of Trustee President Reggie Groves '76 at Saturday's All Together Now! 甜点. 在莱菲海默的8位前任中, 只有夏洛特·哈索·诺兰, 深受爱戴的学院创始人, 服务时间.
"We are happy to announce that you have finally earned your Foxcroft diploma,格罗夫斯在演讲中说, handing her the prized possession Mary Lou has presented to hundreds of girls. 就像那些女孩, Leipheimer promptly checked that it was signed and held it up for all to see, 喜气洋洋的.

Groves went on to announce that the Board has established and endowed the Mary Louise Leipheimer Excellence in Teaching Award, which will be awarded annually to a teacher who best connects with and challenges Foxcroft 学生. Leipheimer, 第四代教育家, 一直认为自己首先是一名教师吗, 最后的, 尽管她在政府工作多年.

Groves also announced that the Board has also established a sustainability endowment in Leipheimer's honor. "The Board wants you to know that we share your goal of ensuring Foxcroft's future," she said.

“我不知所措,”情绪激动的莱菲海默说. “这是一个非常特别的地方. Each of us who has been touched by Foxcroft has been changed forever. 我们有责任, and that is to make certain that other have an opportunity to be changed by it as well.

"It has been my privilege and my pleasure to have been touched by the fabric of this place; to have known you, 曾经爱过你, 也曾是一名教师. 你教给我的比我教给任何人的都多. I shall treasure you in my heart, and I am thrilled to be an alum!"

另一个时刻发生在星期五晚上. B's When Pigs Fly Barbecue held at McConnell Stables — where folks ate at tables set up in the aisles, 在通常储存成吨干草的地方跳舞, and pinned cards with their favorite Foxcroft memories on ribbons adorning the barn. 在那里, Leipheimer passed the baton — literally — to the incoming Head of School, 凯瑟琳·斯迈莉·麦吉. 

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time," said Leipheimer. “我很荣幸能为你服务,但现在是时候了 ... and what better time to make such a transition than as we celebrate the School's first 100 years and launch it into its second century.

“他们让我不要用带火的, 我认为," she smiled as she handed a festively-decorated baton to McGehee. “我知道你会转得很好."

“当我第一次听说指挥棒的时候, I thought perhaps it was like the baton used in track relays — and that I should take it and run,麦吉开玩笑说, who introduced her family and spoke briefly about Mary Lou's great legacy and the honor of taking the reins at a school "where 学习 is deep and meaningful and thoughtful."

"I am ever so grateful that you have entrusted this school that you love to my care, and I look forward to working with you and for you in the coming months and years,麦吉说.

Other highlights of the weekend — and there were many — included:

— The moving gathering and celebration of Foxcroft's multicultural community called Foxcroft's First Diversi-Tea;

— Middleburg Mayor Betsy Allen Davis reading and presenting a proclamation passed by the Town Council earlier in April, declaring the weekend "Foxcroft 百周年庆典 Weekend" in the town of Middleburg Saturday before the Drill;

-福克斯克罗夫特大学校友们的精彩表演, 由Sheldon Gerry Withers组织的, and the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps under the watchful eye of General Crosbie Saint and hundreds of spectators. (见单独的 故事.);

— The traditional alumnae 福克斯/猎犬 field hockey game (Hounds won 3-0), with scores of alumnae joining the March In and taking their turns with the drums and tambourines they once possessed, 他们也在竭尽全力;

— A 阀杆 presentation that played to a standing-room-only crowd, 以及其他智力挑战的迷你课程;

— Insightful and articulate panel discussions by 学生 and faculty, as well as a "State of the School" session with Mary Lou and her Administrative Team that filled FoxHound Auditorium;

— A student-made video called "永远的特 Girls" and variety of musical performances that drew raves reviews;

— A "virtual art show" that featured nearly 30 artists from around the country and the UK representing six decades of Foxcroft women;

还有很多很多. 看一下 百周年周末网页 of our website to relive — or experience for the first time — the weekend. 你可以看学生视频, 观看校友艺术展, 看到大量的照片(并链接到更多)!), 读雷吉·格罗夫斯的演讲 并观看周末几项活动的视频.
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.